What Makes Adult Braces Different than Child Braces?

Braces are still one of the most common and proven methods for correcting bite problems and misaligned teeth for both children and adults. And with the types of braces available today, they’re growing increasingly popular among adults.

Regardless of age, braces do the same job: shift and realign teeth and correct bite problems. So, what makes adult braces any different than child braces? Read on to find out.

Orthodontic treatment takes longer for adults

One of the key differences between adult braces and child braces is the amount of time it takes to shift teeth. Adults have fully developed teeth and jaws, so their bones are harder and the tissue around the teeth has already settled.

Braces work by applying pressure on your tooth’s root. The pressure causes the root to gradually shift forward. As the bone adjusts, your teeth shift into their new position. 

Mature bones move at a slower rate because they’re tougher and denser, so it takes longer for adult teeth to shift into proper alignment. 

What else makes adult braces different from child braces?

The time it takes to realign teeth is, for the most part, the only real difference between adult and child braces. Both adult and child braces are designed to shift and realign teeth. However, wearing braces as an adult can have unique challenges. Some of these challenges include:

More collaboration

Children often don’t have the same conditions or dental problems that adults have, like gum disease or missing teeth. For that reason, you may need to see your general dentist or periodontists while wearing your braces to ensure no complications occur, like bone loss.

Bone loss and gum disease

Adults may have harder bones in their jaws, but they can also have areas that are weak or lack density. Although your teeth can still shift into their new positions, they can’t properly anchor without enough bone support. 

Missing or damaged teeth

Tooth extractions are a common procedure for adults with severe tooth decay or infections.  However, if missing teeth aren’t replaced, you can lose bone at the extraction site. 

Leaving a gap in between your teeth can also cause your surrounding teeth to tip or shift. This can change your bite and damage healthy teeth, which requires additional orthodontic and general treatment.

Learn more about adult and child braces 

At Duval Orthodontics, Dr. J.A. Duval provides many types of high-quality braces for children, teens, and adults, including:

To find out which type of braces is best for you or your child, call Duval Orthodontics today, or book your consultation with our online booking tool.

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